Diablo 2 median xl ultimative barbarian
Diablo 2 median xl ultimative barbarian

diablo 2 median xl ultimative barbarian diablo 2 median xl ultimative barbarian

Leave them alone and it's pretty much the same.Ĭathedral of vanity: Considerably more dangerous because now three units - two clerics and the crystal ball have boss mods, instead of just the crystal ball. Rathma's square: There are big scimitars added that are almost unkillable. Quov Tsin: He now uses a physical component in his death beam, so get 100 iDR Toraja: Maybe it's a bit more difficult? Imo only character that is actually good at Toraja is RC necromancer. Judgement day: The avatars are harder to kill and summon more nephalems.

#Diablo 2 median xl ultimative barbarian free

Legacy of Blood: Bartuc's hp has been boosted by a lot, so this isn't a free win any more. The monsters are all different, they're harder to kill and priests use a very damaging yellow ball. Island of Sunless Sea: This place got boosted tremendously. Kurast 3000 BA: It is a little harder but the drop rate of set items has been boosted by a lot, making this a prime farming area. Khalimgrad: I think the avatar was healing himself more than I remembered. That's in the docs, didn't see it though.Īzmodan: Some of the elites are buffed ( Unseelie lady silences now ), but otherwise same. Finally, there is one place where you can summon a heroic uber to fight ( Athualua ).ĭeath projector: Same, except sometimes it can cast an opposite Death spiral when attacked. Still you will probably be running this place dozens of times anyway, at least to get perfect charm and trophy. I think the drop rate of uniques isn't as good as it was before. Priestesses have a lot more hp so they are harder to kill and they use tremor to knock your hp down. Amazons now use arrowside upon death which you need to keep dodging. Tran Athualua: This place is changed greatly on destruction, hatred and terror ( for challenges ) remain same. Infernal machine: I think the elites are more powerful, and the tower also casts Deathstrike. Gift box from Grizwold with class specific itemsīutcher: He's the same, except now he heals himself sometimes. However this is what I observed myself, regarding early game and Destruction ubers. You can dig through the changelogs in the documentation if you want to know the precise changes from version to version.

Diablo 2 median xl ultimative barbarian